A lot of things have happened these last weeks that made me think ... impactfull events, simple encounters, new people entering my life and unfortunately a not so old one has left us. I don't know whether this blog is the best place to express some of my personal feelings, but hey, if you're not interrested just skip this post. There's a lot more to come today.

The good news is that people actually read my blog. I could have suspected that when checking the stats on google analytics, but I get more and more reactions from people on what I post. Unfortunately nobody seems to feel like writing something in the comments. So please, dear readers, drop me a note in the comments (click on "comments" below this post).

More good news is that a number of new people have joined Agency.com Brussels. So I finally get to concentrate a bit more on things I like doing best, like thinking up strategies, coaching people and working on the future of the agency.

Bad news on the family front however. A cousin of mine died last week and left his lovely wife and two children behind. Only 52 years old, no warning, 36 hours and ... gone. That really counts as a wake-up call for caring about your health. Damn Paul ... we're gonna miss you!

To end on a positive note, healthy action has been taken. The fitness room is equipped with a brand new "eliptical" (a kind of running machine), I'm cutting down on alcohol, balancing my food and putting more time into golfing again. Went to docter for a blood test (no results yet) and got my feet treated with a painfull injection so I can do sports without pain.
The first results ... my golf game is improving, I even hit a 240 meter drive on C5 in Oudenaarde this morning. :-)

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